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Inspire Alberta's human resources leaders

The Call for 2017 Speakers is Closed - Thank You for Your Submissions

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The call for HRIA 2017 Conference speakers is closed, but we're always looking for experts to teach HRIA members new skills. If you'd like to submit a general speaker application, follow the steps below.

Our annual conference features dozens of breakout sessions and panels. Industry experts, academics, consultants and practicing human resources professionals contribute to the changing role of HR with valuable knowledge and skills that attendees can act on in their workplaces.

We are looking for leaders who bring case studies, examples and best practices to their presentation, and who engage the audience with active conversations.

About the HRIA 2017 Conference: Change Collective

The HRIA 2017 Conference encourages you to lead the Change Collective. We are focusing on how ideas that start and succeed in one workplace can become best practices for our entire profession. What success do you want to share?

How to apply:

  1. Read the tips for successful applications.
  2. Download and complete the Speaker Abstract Form - take a few days to do this.
  3. Ensure to follow this format for naming your file: SPKR17_FirstIntial.LastName.
  4. Gather a 200px x 200px photo of your presenter(s) in JPEG or PNG format.
  5. Upload the completed Speaker Abstract Form and photos here by July 31, 2016, or August 31, 2016 for late submission consideration. If you want to submit your abstract for other HRIA events throughout 2016/17, please check the appropriate box on the webform.
  6. You will hear back from HRIA by October 15, 2016 regarding the status of your application.


Important Dates:

  • July 31, 2016 - deadline for speaker submissions
  • August 31, 2016 - deadline for late submissions
  • October 15, 2016 - date you will hear from HRIA regarding the status of your application to speak at the HRIA 2017 Conference


Tips for successful applications:

  • Write a compelling session description that demonstrates how the topic will connect with the audience by being engaging, innovative and informative.
  • Be specific and stand out. Show that you are the authority to present on the topic. Avoid generic language and focus on what is unique about the proposed presentation. 
  • Incorporate case studies and incorporate time to discuss examples in the room. Provide attendees the opportunity to learn from each other. 
  • Outline the ‘how’. Attendees want insider information and tangible takeaways including step-by-step actions to put into practice when they return to the office.
  • Include any links to videos, resources, or examples that provide more information about your speaking style and experience.