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The HRIA 2017 Conference

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The HRIA 2017 Conference: Change Collective

The HRIA Conference is Western Canada’s most comprehensive human resources conference and tradeshow. This April, influential human resources practitioners from across Alberta and beyond will convene in the Province’s capital for over 30 professional development sessions, networking and community building at the HRIA 2017 Conference: Change Collective.

Our theme, Change Collective, reflects the evolution of our profession – where a successful idea in one workplace can quickly influence best practices across our industry. Join us April 26 & 27, 2017 at the Shaw Conference Centre in Edmonton to find solutions to business challenges, raise the bar for our profession and accelerate your career.

Change Collective Keynotes:


Kirstine Stewart - Chief Strategy Officer, Diply GoViral

Kristine Stewart - HRIA 2017 Conference Keynote
David Usher - Juno Award-Winning Musician | Creativity Expert

David Usher - HRIA 2017 Conference Keynote
Darby Allen, Regional Fire Chief - Municipality of Wood Buffalo

Darby Allen - HRIA 2017 Conference Keynote

Join renowned keynote speakers, like-minded professionals, and human resources leaders and innovators at the HRIA 2017 Conference.  With over 30 professional development sessions and workshops running over two days, you can customize your conference experience to fit the challenges and opportunities facing your organization.View all of our sessions in the online program or download a copy of the speaker schedule.