Change Management and You

Change Management and You

Most people have heard of Change Management, but can we really manage change?  

The reality is that it isn’t the change we’re focused on, it’s the people going through the change that is the focus of change management.  People are typically looking for leadership, support and direction when a change is introduced, however many leaders focus on the achievement of the project rather than the impact to the people.  Learn what change management really looks like and gain experience with some of the tools and techniques change practitioners use to help organizations realize the business benefits of their projects and initiatives in this interactive session.

What you will learn: 

  • The history of Change Management (OE, OD, etc)
  • The connection between change management and human resources 
  • Various Methodologies (Kotter, Prosci, Anderson Ackerman, Bridges ,etc)
  • What is Change?
  • How people respond to change (personal and professional)
  • What does Change Management Do?
  • Change management as part of projects/part of organizational transformations
  • Change management as a leadership competency