Managing the Unmanageable - The Art of Difficult Workplace Conversations

Managing the Unmanageable - The Art of Difficult Workplace Conversations

No organization can afford to carry passengers who aren’t prepared to pay for the ride, especially in these tough times. 


Often managers fail to proactively tackle challenging work place issues, through a lack of capability, the absence of a reliable process or a lack of confidence in dealing effectively with perceived “difficult people”. If these issues aren’t addressed proactively you run the risk of the situation getting worse leading to reduced efficiency and effectiveness for the whole team. 


During this highly practical hands-on session learn and practice a set of proven tools to help you achieve positive outcomes?

Russell Stratton

Russel Stratton is a certified trainer, leadership coach, and writer with a master’s degree in human resource management. His passion involves developing emerging leaders and assisting those who are transitioning to middle management by building their capability and confidence to optimize performance, using a blend of dynamic experiential learning and workplace coaching. Russell has a proven track record of success around the world and has assisted individuals in a wide range of organizational cultures, including small- to medium-sized enterprises, law enforcement agencies, national government departments, charities, and not-for-profits. He has worked with all levels of professionals, from front-line staff to executive management boards.